Donate Page

Customizable donate pages that boost donor engagement

Set up your page in minutes

Customize graphics, add text, and set up your bank details

Technology that works for you

Set up mobile payment technologies like ApplePay and GooglePay

Simplicity from start to finish

Donations go directly to your bank account with no middleman

CRM Integration

Export donor data for easy input; your Finance Department will thank you!

Recover abandoned donations

Donor Rescue alerts you every time some starts – but doesn’t finish- donating 

I can’t say enough good things about CauseMatch! 

Emily Zoffer,
Hotline for Refugees & Migrants

Reasons to set up a donate page with CauseMatch

100% free for the first year

Multiple payment processors including ApplePay and GooglePay

Donations directly to your bank account. No middleman.

Advanced analytics help you capture more donations and learn more about your supporters

Happy CauseMatch Clients

CauseMatch is an excellent platform. I can refer anyone at any time to use it. I learned about it from my daughter’s school, and I immediately got the idea to do the same for my church. Excellent and supportive team. I will definitely come back soon!

Linah Thaba,
Liberty Arena of All Nations

We were very happy working with the CauseMatch team. They provided us with excellent customer service before and during our campaign. 

Chaya Leybov,

I felt so held and looked after. The quick response rate made it easy to encounter challenges. The Butterfly Art Project has had a very successful campaign.

Angela Katschke,
The Butterfly Art Project

The fine print (in big and bold)

Your page is free for the first year. After that, it’s $49.99 every year. When you implement all of the donation-inspiring features that your CauseMatch donate page offers, you’ll be thrilled you joined the CauseMatch family.

To provide our customers with the most diverse range of payment options, we have partnered with Stripe, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and all major credit cards.

We accept money from over 150 countries through Stripe.

No, never. Other sites might charge your donors without you knowing it, but we would never do that. Donors are charged only the amount they choose to donate to you and that’s it.

Our Technical Customer Support team is available 24/6. Average response time via chat is under two minutes! 

Get started with CauseMatch

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