Time Remaining: 0h 0m 0s
Bonus Round!
£609,260of £613,000 bonus goal
Original goal: £500,000

Donate 180 or more and receive an inscribed copy of Reb Yehuda Leib's new Sefer.

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Boruch Dafner


ברכה והצלחה
Donation through Reb Reuven Dafner
Michael Fried


~ Michael Fried
Donation through Reb Sruli Bodner
Yehuda Greenhouse


Donation through Rabbi Eliezer Greenhouse


Hatzlocho Yossi
Donation through Danny Levin
Aviël Weinberg


Donation through Reb Zvi Frenkel


On behalf of Uncle and Aunt in Toronto
Donation through Rabbi Avrohom Royde My son and his חברים are flourishing in the wonderful ישיב. Please help them into new accomodation where they can continue to grow.
Yisroel Shulem Taub


Donation through לעילוי נשמת Rebbetzin Chavi Wagschal - We would like to dedicate the Ezras Noshim Liuli nishmas Mrs Chavi Wagschal a"h who has been an inspiration to all privileged to have known her and far beyond


Hatzlacha Raba
Donation through Rabbi Avrohom Royde My son and his חברים are flourishing in the wonderful ישיב. Please help them into new accomodation where they can continue to grow.


Donation through Reb Reuven Dafner
Eli Schlanger


Donation through Reb Yankele Olsberg
Robert Zimmerman


Donation through Reb Michoel Lobenstein & Sons
Meir Joseph


Donation through Reb Meir Joseph
Chava Steiner


Good Luck! 
Donation through Chaim and Etty Davis
Mendy Chissick


Dear Yossi האברך - אב בחכמה ורך בשנים... יהי רצון שתשרה שכינה במעשי ידיכם להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה מאחיך הגדול
Sam Radnor


Hatlacha with the project.
Donation through Rabbi Avi Lazarus
s b


Donation through Rabbi Yaakov Cooper
Hadassah Cohen


Donation through Rabbi Shloimi Porush


Hatzlocho with campaign. Best regards, Maureen & Marc.
Donation through Chaim and Etty Davis
Abraham Topperman


Donation through Rabbi Michoel Treblow
Binyomin Cope


Donation through Reb Zvi Tuvya Abenson
Y Mozes


Hatzlocho to R Yehuda Leib
Donation through Horav Yehuda Leib Wittler
Rabbi Weitz


Lichvoid the Rosh HaYeshiva Shlita and in honour of my friends, R Yoeli & R Ephraim Frankel
Donation through Yoeli & Efraim Frankel
Naftali and Gitty Goldblatt


"אין המצוה נקראת אלא על שם גומרה"lots of הצלחה!
Donation through לעילוי נשמת Rebbetzin Chavi Wagschal - We would like to dedicate the Ezras Noshim Liuli nishmas Mrs Chavi Wagschal a"h who has been an inspiration to all privileged to have known her and far beyond
Richard Steinhart


What a wonderful Yeshiva. Chazak Ve Ematz!
Donation through Rabbi Shmuel Steinhart
S Berkovitz


hatzlocho with campaign
B Blieier


This is for Miri the best fundraiser. From you know who...
Z Hammond


Donation through Reb Zvi Frenkel
Booky Dubiner


A Azizoff


R' SD Godlewsky


Lichvoid Unser Tayer Mechuton Hatzlocho Rabbo
Sorry, couldn't find an ambassador by that name :(
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    0 Donors

You are reading this because you care about building the future of Torah education.

You understand that if we give the sharpest lamdanim and mechanchim of our time the tools to shape the minds of the next generation of bnei Torah… then klal Yisrael will have its leaders for years to come.

You are reading this because you are someone who takes advantage of every opportunity to proliferate Torah…

That’s why we invite you today to donate to Yeshivas Shaarei Chaim in Manchester.

You see, we have experienced rapid growth in our short three years. In order to accommodate the increasing student body, we have been fortunate to procure a building. But we still need the funds to cover the costs involved in securing the premises. That’s where you come in.

It is an exorbitant project that requires a significant investment for us to be able to move in.

When you donate to this campaign, you provide the space for the Roshei Yeshivah, Reb Yehuda Leib Wittler and Reb Chaim Meiselman to do what they do best: infuse current bochurim (and future gedolim) with a mehalach that will guide them for life.

When you donate, you become a builder of Torah and a partner in the yeshivah’s far-reaching influence and success

Because of you, the talmidim of Yeshivas Shaarei Chaim will access Europe’s top maggidei shiur… and, at the same time, connect with a faculty of mechanchim that understand and care about these teens’ emotional well-being, too.

That’s why your gift is so important.

You will provide the resources for our bochurim to grow as bnei Torah and as ovdei Hashem. You give them the physical space where they can sit and learn and focus on the emes of Torah and on true personal development.

Reb Yehuda Leib’s warmth and hashpa’ah has been a hallmark of Torah-education in England for the past 30 years. Your gift ensures it continues long into the future.

Your gift is an investment in the very best of Klal Yisrael. It is an investment in each and every bochur who walks through our door.

Your generosity entitles you to share the zechus of every tosafos learned … every shakla v’tarya explained … every chiddush that our talmidim discover! Your generosity entitles you to share the zechus of tomorrow’s Torah leaders!

This cause is so important that a group of generous donors has challenged us to raise 250,000 GBP in just 36 hours. If we do… If you open your hearts and donate, this group of donors will contribute ANOTHER 250,000 GBP to complete the project.

Please take advantage of this amazing opportunity to grow this Torah institution.

Remember, your donation will help us move into our new building in a financially stable way. Please donate today!