Melabev Melabev
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You are reading this because you understand the complexities of living with dementia. 

You have felt the pain of watching a loved one's memory deteriorate. 

And you have seen how that deterioration quickly can lead to a decline in other areas too: like the inability to follow simple instructions. Or struggling with simple physical tasks like buttoning a shirt. Or coping with bouts of sadness and even, in some cases, depression. 

That's why your gift to Melabev is so important. 

When you donate, you create a space where seniors can enjoy art and gardening, music, and exercise. A space is totally dedicated to their needs and abilities. You give the gift of community to someone reeling from isolation and loneliness. You build upon Melabev’s 40-year history of improving the quality of life for those who need it the most. 

When you donate, you give someone living with Alzheimer's or dementia quality of life. 

You see, you may not realize just how much the amazing outcomes that take place everyday at Melabev depend on the generosity of people like you.

Philanthropy makes a huge contribution here. Your gift matters.

This has been the most complicated year in Melabev’s history. Because of social distancing, we couldn’t accommodate as many seniors as we used to. At the same time, our expenses have increased to run safe programming. Between fewer participants and increased costs, we face a major financial gap. 

But your donation ensures that a bright future lies ahead. 

Because of you, Alex, whose grandson’s wedding is just around the corner, will remember what it's like to dance.  

Because of you, Shelly, an 84-year-old struggling with Alzheimer's, will fall in love with painting all over again... just like she did when she was a teenager.

Because of you, Avi will feel at home for the first time in a long time. And that means that his children will rest easy, knowing that their father is safe and loved when he is at Melabev. 

Make no mistake about it: Your gift directly translates into more seniors living happier, healthier lives. Please don't let social isolation accelerate their cognitive decline. 

The demand for services has never been greater. The challenges have never been more fierce. And your donation has never been more important. 

This cause is so important that we have set an ambitious goal to raise 600,000 NIS. If we reach this goal, it means we can meet the ever-evolving needs of the Melabev family.