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You have entered this page because Judaism is for you not just a way of life, but a sacred mission – a mission to spread light and to join together all the diverse segments of our nation.

You now have a rare opportunity to become a partner in a great revolution to allow thousands of students and members of pre-IDF academies (mechinot) discover and develop the pintele Yid within them.

Kesher Yehudi has created thousands of chavrutot for students, a major project within mechinot with nearly a thousand annual participants, Shabbatot in religious neighborhoods, and communal batei medrash.  The participants from both sides, secular and religious, view Kesher Yehudi as a startup that is bringing about a dramatic change in the connection between Am Yisrael to itself, to Torah, and to HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

That connection is the birthright of every Jew and every Jew must be exposed to it. This project must not be allowed to remain within its current constraints. But the needed expansion will not happen without you.

Kesher Yehudi has embarked on a campaign to enlist thousands of donors with the goal of raising two million shekels. Without your help we cannot provide moreYiddishkeit, more Torah learning, more unity between thousands religious and non-religious students and participants across Eretz Yisrael.

The thirst is great, the students are waiting, the volunteers are poised to do their part. All that is left are resources to bind together our divided people. The opportunity is yours to be a part of this great project to connect the Jewish people to one another and Our Father in Heaven.

Tell your story. Why did you donate to Kesher Yehudi?