The Center for Innovative Jewish Learning The Center for Innovative Jewish Learning
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Chana Tendler


Yosef and Molly Leibovitch


With much hakaros hatov to the dedicated teachers and staff at DNM who continue to educate our children even during this difficult time.
Esther Selmar


Keep doing amazing things!
Bayla Berkowitz


Rob Keys


MontessoriStrong! DarcheiNoamStrong!
Reena Back


In honor of Brocha-you're a superwoman! And the staff at DNM
Shevy Ashman


Aaron and Aliza Tendler


In Honor of a Very Special Morah Chana!
Shmuel Wealcatch


In honor of Rochel Wealcatch 




In honor of Morah Batsheva
Aaron Tobin


In memory of Dinah Bas Mordechai.


B Margolese


In honor of all of the POWERful staff, students and families of DNM!
Rabbi Shmuel and Sarah Brody


Thanks for all your hard work Brocha!
Chaim Margolese


Just because I wanted to be first :)

Darchei Noam Montessori: COVID-19 Is Threatening Our Future
Your donation has never been more important

The repercussions of COVID-19 continue to unravel. But there is one thing we know for sure. We cannot let this virus keep us from giving our children the best Jewish education possible.

That's why Darchei Noam Montessori is committed to #BeThePower. We have led the way over the past weeks in online learning. We have provided a comprehensive syllabus to parents to ensure that your children’s brilliant minds stay active and engaged. We must continue this vital work no matter what.

But now, Darchei Noam is about to face an unprecedented financial crisis, which will force us to make decisions we never imagined. Decisions that may impact parents' abilities to send their children to this one-of-a-kind institution.

I know you really care about providing a stellar Jewish education because you have generously made it possible in the past. Thank you. But today I need you more than ever.

Coronavirus will eliminate many parents' abilities to pay for their children's education. (Remember that 100% of our operational costs are covered by tuition.)

Every Jewish child - no matter his/her financial background - deserves a chance to fly.  This campaign is the only source of scholarship funding! This is your opportunity to lower the barrier of entry for parents who wish to send their children to Darchei Noam.

Please, would you join me by making your most generous gift ever to help my team and I get Darchei Noam Montessori through this global crisis?

When you donate to The Center for Innovative Jewish Learning for Darchei Noam Scholarships, you make sure that no child is turned away from a life-changing education due to financial background. Your donation goes directly to funding scholarship opportunities for parents who cannot afford full tuition.

Open your heart and click the donate button today. We don't have a moment to lose.

Tell your story. Why did you donate to The Center for Innovative Jewish Learning?